Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Life: The Uneventful

Back when I had stuff going on, there was shit to blog about. Now? Not so much.

My life is a bit dull. Uneventful. I might even go so far as to say BORING. Sorry Diane. (Diane has a theory that using the B word brings all manner of havoc into your life.) The upside is that I'm not losing my mind. The downside is that I don't have anything to blog about, except how boring my life is.

I go to work, I come home, work out, read/watchTV/play Scramble, and go to bed. Just writing that made me yawn. 

Perhaps I'll try to scare up something to write about. Hopefully I can do this without landing myself in jail. It's not a happy place to be. There's MRSA there.

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