Last Valentine's Day I moved out of my boyfriend's house. Looking back, it's clearly one of the best decisions I've made, though it was hard to make at the time.
Never having been with anyone on Valentine's Day, I was so hopeful that it would turn out to be a great day. A card from someone besides my mom, flowers from someone other than a friend who understood my love of black flowers. But it wasn't to be. No card, no flowers. The excuse for not giving the card? He didn't feel well that day. Because Valentine's Day is a surprise every year. You never know when it's going to pop up on the calendar. Oh wait, IT'S ON THE SAME DAY EVERY YEAR.
A year later, I'm single. Living in my parents' house. Unemployed. No idea where I'm going with my life. I got a card and package of candy from Joanne. My mom told me I'm her Valentine.
As lame as all of that is, it's still better than last year.
I know Valentine's Day is an overcommercialized and obnoxious day. I think we should celebrate the people we love every day, but sometimes life gets in the way. Whether you're married, engaged, partnered, or single, take some time today to tell the people in your life that you love them. You never know how much it'll mean to someone else.
"Remember, the light at the end of the tunnel may be you." ~Aerosmith
This was so timely! I was just thinking of you on the way in to work this morning. I thought I should send you a message to tell you thinking of you. Love you Lyndsy!
hey quit being such a negative nancy will you. how is living back on the right southern coast? Miss Ms. Smartass.
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