Thursday, November 03, 2011

People who don't love music are soulless

I love music. I'll listen to just about anything. I skip opera, but I have a little of everything else. I can go from country to rap to classical in one car ride. I mean, how do you turn off a song called "Trashy Women"? I rap hardcore with Eminem and I twang with Randy Travis. I go to another place when I hear the 1812 Overture.

I associate songs/artists with the people and time periods of my life. The soundtrack from An American Tale is one of the first things I really remember listening to. And  it was a record. My very own. My dad didn't really want me, his klutzy 5-year old, touching his record player and definitely not HIS records. Not that it stopped me. He had Michael Jackson's Bad album and every time I could when he wasn't home, I put it on. Years later I told him about that and he told me he knew I was doing it. Lies.

I used to dance around our basement to Flashdance songs (not that I'd seen the movie) and had serious arguments about the lyrics to Hip to be Square (I still don't like admitting I was wrong about them). I learned to love Reba McEntire and Billy Joel from my best friends in high school. To this day, Billy Joel is still one of the best concerts I've seen.

Music changes my mood, sometimes for better and sometimes worse. I should be ashamed to admit this, but I tear up a little when I hear Bella's Lullaby from the Twilight soundtrack (I bought both the score and soundtrack to the first movie). Music is just part of my being.

I rambled on about that for a reason: I don't get people who don't love music. A friend of mine recently wanted to hook me up with a friend of hers so she put us in touch by email. He and I emailed for a while, but things stalled out for me when he told me that he had maybe 10 songs on his iPhone. Now, I know those don't hold all that much music, but only TEN songs?!?!? You canNOT be serious.

I got to thinking about it and I started to wonder if there's something wrong with me. I mean, from my end, I sort of wonder if people who don't love music lack souls. Music IS soul. Sometimes it's the only way to express yourself. How can someone NOT LOVE MUSIC??

Is it weird that someone's lack of love of music is a dealbreaker for me? I mean, it's not like people who don't love music are all junkies gunning for my valuables. Or pedophiles. Or some other awful thing. I'm sure they're perfectly nice people. But I just don't understand it.

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