Friday, April 22, 2011

Get Sexy Campaign

I've been thinking a lot about my Battle of the Pudge/Countdown to Sexy. I feel pretty good about how things have been going for me so far, but I've decided that I've been confusing some concepts that are really quite distinct things.

Weight loss and fitness are great things. Don't get me wrong. I'm feeling better, less tired, all of that good stuff. However, sexiness doesn't necessarily have anything to do with weight. I know we've all seen an overweight man or woman, and still thought, "Hot damn! He is SEXY." And we all know skinny/thin people who don't feel sexy. So obviously it's not really about weight or looks.

Someone in college (coughcoughRichycoughcough) once said to me that sexy is an attitude - that it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with physical appearance. I looked it up in the dictionary, and sure enough, it's about exuding sexuality.

I feel like one's ability to exude sexuality comes from confidence. You feel good about yourself or your abilities and you can't help but let that flow out of you. And as it flows out of you, other people pick up on it and are then attracted to you. Pretty simple really.

Weight happens to be one of my weak spots (for ridiculous reasons) and getting control of it makes me feel confident. (I also like getting leered at by random men.) For other people (read: thin people), it may come from other things. Getting control of your finances. Rock climbing. Baking a cake without burning down your kitchen.

I will continue to focus on my Battle of the Pudge, but I feel like adding some other things in there. Reminding myself of things I'm good at. Trying things I've always wanted to, but have been too intimidated to do. I'm looking forward to myself.

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