Continuing with my friend recognition theme, I'd like you to meet someone else...
How I Met J...
It's 1999. (And yes, I just got that song stuck in my head too.) It's the week before I begin classes my freshman year at the University of Florida. At this point, having only lived with each other for 2 days, my roommates and I are all getting along. One night we get bored and decide to cruise the campus, like the badasses we are.
After unsuccessfully cruising, we end up back in our dorm area, and my roommates decide to see how crazy I actually am. Clearly they have only known me for two days, or they would have known better. They dare me to knock on a random window. "Psh," I say, "That's nothing!" I knock on the window. We wait. Nothing happens. We move on.
As we're walking away, the window opens. We turn back and all cock our heads to the side, like dogs puzzled by human speech. A guy is hanging out the window, "Wait there!!" We look at each other, confused. Wait for what?
Our befuddlement does not last long, for out the double doors of Weaver and East halls come running three menfolk. One tall and gangly, running as though he were an injured 12-year old girl. The others shorter than the giraffe, but easily distinguishable. One blond, one brown hair.
They run up to us, and since we are young and naive (and they appear harmless), we invite them to our room. They accept and follow us. We spend the evening quite companionably, though I remain... concerned... by the dark-haired, non-giraffe one. He sits quietly, but intensely, seeming to absorb everything going on in the room. I'm worried that he's trying to steal my soul, but as I appraise him, I see that he's cute, so I think I'll let him have it.
Why he's obviously insane...
After our fateful introduction, I spent a bunch of time with J, Injured Girl Giraffe, and the blond who I call Georgia Peach. Until I scared the giraffe with a lengthy printout on penis length. (I was just giving him the facts!) J and I kept in touch for a while, but it was our sophomore year that he really got a full Dose of Lyndsy.
See, his roommate, K, must have hated him, at least a little, because I would con someone into letting me onto the floor, and then I'd swing by J and K's room and K would let me in. I would promptly fall asleep on J's bed, at which point K would depart for class. J came home after a full day of actually challenging classes (unlike my political science classes - when I actually went, that is) and there I was, asleep in his bed. A little like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, except I came back, day after day.
It's not just that I was there when he got back from class. I stayed until late in the evening. I stayed until after he took his shower in the communal shower. He'd come back to his room, wearing only a towel around his waist and I just sat there, on his bed. Any woman in my position would have done the same thing. He's AWESOME to look it. I did the best I could not to drool all over his bed. But bless his heart, he just managed to get dressed under the towel and hop into his bed. Sometime after that I'd leave. Unless I'd invited friends over to sleep in his bed. Then we were all there for a while.
Even after I graduated, we stayed in touch. I'd call him a few nights a week and I'd walk around my block and talk to him. For an hour or more. Many nights. He rode with me to Michigan when I started law school. He came to visit me in Seattle and didn't get creeped out when I sniffed him after he showered (he does boy smell VERY well).
He pays attention to me even when I'm not paying attention to me. Enough attention to know to send me a particular Dave Matthews CD (since I had the others) and to send a Toby Keith CD for Christmas. He always remembers my birthday and he sends the greatest, funniest cards.
He doesn't care that I constantly sexually harass him. He reads this blog and laughs when I'm funny, and probably when I'm not. He thinks I should keep it up. He's listened to me whine about more guys than I remember. He thinks I don't live up to my full potential and he tells me that. He's always supportive, even when I'm not being the greatest friend. He lets me sleep in his super comfy bed with him, even when I molest him in my sleep.
He's brilliant. He's funny. He has a good sense of humor. He's got a good sense of himself. He's beyond patient, especially with me.
And most importantly, he loves me for me. With all of my weirdness, loudness, annoyingness, and wonderfulness.
I couldn't ask for a better friend. I love him with all my heart, and fully intend to carry out the life sentence of Lyndsy I imposed on him in college. And you know, I think he's okay with that.